Create AI Images For FREE (Using Canva) – 2023 Updated

Want to create an AI image on Canva for free using only text? You’re in the right place!

If you don’t have a Canva account, get one here:

1) Go to (the initial page)
2) Open a design or create a new one
3) On the left menu, select “Apps”
4) Scroll down to “Magic Media”
5) Describe the image you want to see
6) Choose a style (none = no preference, it can be random)
7) Choose a dimension (square, landscape, or portrait)
8) Click on “Generate Image”
9) Choose one of the 4 options and you’re done!

If you don’t have a Canva account, get one here:

Got any questions? Comment on this video.

Congrats, you’re done!

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